Bryon Montross PF
General Information
Team: Magic Height: 6'10'' Round: 2 Experience: 3
Age: 24 Weight: 227 Pick: 3 Hometown: N/A
College: Toledo

Inside Scoring: C
Outside Scoring: B-
Handling: D+
Defense: B-
Rebounding: B+
Potential: D
Championships: 0
Player of the Game: 0
Player of the Week: 0
Player of the Month: 0
Double Doubles: 1
Triple Doubles: 0

Season Averages
Games: 27
MPG: 6.9
PPG: 0.9
RPG: 2.2
APG: 0.5
SPG: 0.0
BPG: 0.6
TOPG: 0.3
FG %: .229
FT %: .600
3P %: .250
Career Highs
Points: 14
Rebounds: 13
Assists: 5
Steals: 2
Blocks: 2
Loyalty: 46
Greed: 72
Play For Winner: 98
Bird Years: 0
Year 1: $565,850
Year 2: $0
Year 3: $0
Year 4: $0
Year 5: $0
Year 6: $0
Year 7: $0

Fast Break Basketball | Page created: August 27, 2023